Episode 63: Same-Sex Attraction (Part 4) with Hilde


Jake and Bob sit down for an honest conversation with Hilde, a woman who would have once called herself a ‘gay Catholic.’ Hilde’s lifelong attraction to the truth made her feel intensely divided between the Catholic faith she was raised with and a lifestyle of same-sex relationships. Then, a spontaneous trip to Medjugorje changed everything. Now, Hilde defines herself more through her identity as a daughter of God than her sexual desires. Hilde’s unflinching retelling of her story is a beautiful example of how God always pursues us.


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Show Notes

Key Quote

Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. - Deus Caritas Est (Benedict XVI)

Key Points

  • While wrestling with some deep questions, Hilde found a copy of ‘Be Healed’ on campus and ended up connecting with Bob for the first time

  • Through her friendship and conversation with Bob, Hilde slowly grew trust and encountered inner healing

  • Hilde shares her upbringing as the youngest in a large, orthodox Catholic family

  • During a time of difficulty in her relationship with her mom, Hilde was innocently drawn into a relationship with an older woman which became sexual

  • Hilde wrestled with questions of her identity and conscience while entertaining same-sex relationships, and some poor spiritual advice furthered her exploration

  • In a moment of turmoil and prayer, Hilde felt drawn to go to Medjugorje and it was a transformative experience

  • Hilde exhorts priests and spiritual leaders to share the truth in love about the Church’s teaching, beginning with finding our identity as sons and daughters rather than focussing on our attractions

  • Hilde continues her story, sharing what happened after Medjugorje and how she feels a strong new desire to become a saint, but doesn’t feel called to marriage

  • Each layer of healing comes with facing different shame but also experiencing deeper relationship with Jesus and new freedom


Practical Application

  1. Listen to this episode with a pen and paper in hand. What stands out to you? Make notes about key ideas that stand out to you. Reflect on why you highlighted those particular themes.



Audio Editing by Forte Catholic


Episode 64: Same-Sex Attraction (Part 5) with Christopher Dowling


Episode 62: Same-Sex Attraction (Part 3) with A.J. Benjamin