Episode 85: Emotions (Part 3) Movements of the Heart


This week, Jake and Bob talk about what it means to “process your emotions” and give ways to practically do that. They share that the steps to regulate emotions include awareness, feeling the emotion, naming the emotion, and relationships. They create a scenario where they navigate someone through a lot of intense emotion and bring it back to a wound. Through this scenario, they share the importance of uncovering a wound in order to bring about healing.


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Key Points

  • The steps to regulating your emotions include: Awareness, feeling the emotion, naming the emotion, & relationship.

  • How parents respond to their emotions affect their children’s emotions & how to be aware of this as adults.

  • They walk through a counseling scenario to recognize the root wound behind specific emotions.

  • They discuss praying against, breaking, renouncing, & discovering any lies surrounding a vow.

  • What “bodily anchor” means & how the nervous system has feeling sensors across the body that can be labeled as a specific emotion



Episode 86: What is healing?


Episode 84: Emotions (Part 2) Movements of the Heart