
Episode 30: Unity in Marriage (Part 4) - Companionship and Teamwork
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 30: Unity in Marriage (Part 4) - Companionship and Teamwork

Part four of the series on Unity in Marriage explores the joy of companionship and teamwork. Jake and Dr. Bob flesh out what it means to become one of mind and heart, and share personal examples of how they’ve had to tackle self-focus in order to move toward deeper connection through selflessness in their marriages. They also address the question, “How do we honor one another’s strengths and complement in a way that builds teamwork instead of moving in opposite directions?”

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Episode 29: Unity in Marriage | Part 3
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 29: Unity in Marriage | Part 3

Jake & Dr. Bob discuss emotional intimacy in this next episode in their series on unity in marriage. Generally, this type of intimacy is more difficult for men, while it's one of the deepest desires of women. Our hosts share stories of how they have grown in emotional intimacy through their own marriages, and provide practical tips on how to develop deeper emotional intimacy in your own relationship.

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Episode 28: Unity in Marriage | Part 2
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 28: Unity in Marriage | Part 2

Jake & Bob continue the series on unity in marriage by laying out the five pathways to marital communion. The first of these pillars is the spiritual connection to God and each other. This is the foundation for everything else in the marriage. You may have heard it suggested to pray together as a couple but didn’t try or gave up because it felt awkward. The hosts give practical tips on how to make the spiritual life a foundation without it being awkward. Be encouraged and challenged by this week’s episode.

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Episode 27: Unity in Marriage | Part 1
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 27: Unity in Marriage | Part 1

This week kicks off a new series on finding unity in marriage. Jake and Bob will share what they’ve learned through their own marriages and their professional work with married couples. In this episode, they discuss how marriage is a union of two broken people, but by inviting in the love of God, growing together in unity is made possible. A couple can grow and heal together during the journey of their marriage. Our hosts set the stage for a great series and share tips that will help a marriage become stronger.

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Episode 26: Family Wounds | Part 4 (Siblings)
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 26: Family Wounds | Part 4 (Siblings)

Jake and Bob finish up their series on the Healing of the Family by discussing sibling wounds. They frame the conversation around the Old Testament story of Joseph and his brothers. Whether sibling wounds were caused due to individual sins or inadvertently, the hosts share insight for finding healing. This episode is filled with practical tips for how to navigate the healing process in general and specifically for sibling wounds.

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Episode 25: Family Wounds | Part 3 (Marriage)
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 25: Family Wounds | Part 3 (Marriage)

Jake and Bob continue their series on the Healing of the Family and dive into marriage/family wounds. The family is the primary way children learn how to give and receive love, treat other people, & find their identity. As adults, we can look back at our upbringing and see how we were formed in healthy ways and ways that caused us to struggle. Jake and Bob offer suggestions on how to find healing from our family/marriage trauma and how our families can create a loving culture where our children can thrive.

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Episode 24: Family Wounds | Part 2 (Mothers)
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 24: Family Wounds | Part 2 (Mothers)

Jake and Bob continue their series on the Healing of the Family. Last week, they started with father wounds and this week they dive deep into the topic of mother wounds. The connection that children have with their mother is a powerful one that can lead to light and joy or it can lead to hurt. Both hosts not only share their expertise but also their personal stories about some mother wounds and how they have been healed. Be sure to tune in next time for the third episode in the series regarding marriage wounds.

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Episode 23: Family Wounds | Part 1 (Fathers)
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 23: Family Wounds | Part 1 (Fathers)

Dr. Bob and Jake discuss the power of a father’s love and his capacity to wound. Fathers plant deep seeds in their children’s hearts with what they said or didn’t say and what they did or didn’t do. The restoration of wounds from our fathers is life-changing.

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Episode 22: The Life of Peter | Part 6 (Filled with the Holy Spirit)
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 22: The Life of Peter | Part 6 (Filled with the Holy Spirit)

After recapping how Peter’s pride, shame, and false self have been stripped away, Dr. Bob and Jake discuss the amazing transformation in Peter after his healing encounter with Jesus and being filled with the Holy Spirit. The series concludes with reflections on how each of us can find ourselves in Peter’s story and experience a similar transformation.

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Episode 21: The Life of Peter | Part 5 (Healing Peter’s Shame)
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 21: The Life of Peter | Part 5 (Healing Peter’s Shame)

After explaining the meaning and power of shame, Dr. Bob and Jake reflect on the restorative encounter between Jesus and Peter on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. We can all resonate with Peter’s experience of denying Jesus and the resulting shame. Our hearts long to be healed and restored. Jesus comes to Peter, not to further shame him, but to heal him.

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Episode 20: The Life of Peter | Part 4 (Coming into the light)
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 20: The Life of Peter | Part 4 (Coming into the light)

This week’s episode goes deeper into the life of St. Peter. Through personal stories and experiences, Bob and Jake help us appreciate the value of seeing ourselves as we truly are because in vulnerability, as we carry the cross, our hearts move deeper through the journey of healing. How we respond at these times brings us along the path of either Peter (hope) or Judas (despair).

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Episode 19: The Life of Peter | Part 3 (Identity)
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 19: The Life of Peter | Part 3 (Identity)

Bob and Jake continue the series on healing as seen through the life of St. Peter. Identity is the core of who we are and something that God wants to assure and clarify in us. Jesus changes Simon’s name to Peter signifying a deepening of his identity. God sees truly and clearly. He sees who we are meant to be. Our search for identity and validation is most perfectly rooted in our relationship with Him.

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Episode 18: The Life of Peter | Part 2 (Beyond Control)
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 18: The Life of Peter | Part 2 (Beyond Control)

Bob and Jake continue the series on healing as seen through the life of St. Peter. In the healing process, we can be focused on a dynamic that is important but not as deep or far reaching as what Jesus is addressing. Trusting Jesus and interpreting our journey in trust and goodness is best because we move beyond control.

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Episode 16: Anatomy of a wound | Part 5
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 16: Anatomy of a wound | Part 5

Bob and Jake finish the series on the anatomy of a wound and discuss vows which are inner resolutions that we make in response to wounds and beliefs. We make these resolutions in an attempt to avoid the original pain we experienced in a wound. Vows can significantly affect the way we do life and can go unnoticed since we often perceive them as normal and necessary.

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Episode 15: Anatomy of a wound | Part 4
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 15: Anatomy of a wound | Part 4

Bob and Jake continue the series on the anatomy of a wound and discuss judgements which are a type of belief that distort our perceptions of others and become a barrier to love.

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Episode 14: Anatomy of a wound | Part 3
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 14: Anatomy of a wound | Part 3

Bob and Jake continue the series on the anatomy of a wound and discuss beliefs. Our lives are filled with experiences and we interpret these experiences and put meaning to them. We then agree with the beliefs that are either truths or lies.

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Episode 13: Anatomy of a wound | Part 2
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 13: Anatomy of a wound | Part 2

Bob and Jake continue the series on the anatomy of a wound and discuss Type A and Type B wounds as well as seven categories of woundedness called the seven deadly wounds.

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Episode 12: Anatomy of a wound | Part 1
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 12: Anatomy of a wound | Part 1

Bob and Jake start a new series about the components of a wound. Wounds, beliefs, and vows are critical aspects that, when noticed and addressed, lead to healing and freedom.

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Episode 11 : Faith or Fear | Part 3
Jake Khym Jake Khym

Episode 11 : Faith or Fear | Part 3

Bob and Jake conclude the series on faith or fear by explaining how our fears form a false self. Jesus invites us to deny our false self, come to Him, learn from Him, and look into His eyes of mercy.

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