Episode110: Friends of the Bridegroom w/ Fr. John Burns and Sr. Miriam James Heidland


This week, Jake and Bob are joined by Fr. John Burns and Sr. Miriam James Heidland to talk about their ministry called Friends of the Bridegroom. Their ministry seeks to renew the Church through the healing, renewal, and expansion of women’s religious life in America. They also discuss the nuptial meaning of every vocation, the unique beauty women bring to the Church, and how in every state of life, we are all called to live for another.


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Key Points:

  • Priests and religious play a vital and unique role in the health and healing of the Church

  • A Church without religious sisters is like a family without a mother

  • No matter our state of life, we are not meant to be living for ourselves. Our hearts are made to be lived for another 

  • Friends of the Bridegroom seeks to bring God’s glory forth by awakening a movement in the Church for the restoration of the Bride. When the Bride radiates, everyone understands their place within it. 

  • Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are three ways we can offer a penitential sacrifice for the renewal of the Church.



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