Episode 111: Back to the Basics


This week, Jake and Bob go back to the basics of healing. They reflect on the idea that it is not what happens to us that harms our souls, but rather our response. Jake and Bob also discuss the problem of evil done to another, the challenges that come with accepting the reality of what happened, and the role of pain in the healing process.


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Key Points:

  • There is a difference between blame and responsibility. It is important to hold abusers accountable while also recognizing our personal role in the healing process

  • Our souls are harmed in our response to a trauma but that does not mean we are responsible for the trauma itself

  • Grace and divine assistance are necessary for acknowledging the reality of what happened and experiencing healing

  • Healing is the process of being restored to our original God-given glory. It involves encountering God as the source of our healing and developing a right relationship with Him

  • Healing is not just the removal of pain, but the freedom to will the good and the capacity to live in accordance with our true nature


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